RÚV English Radio


Today, RÚV English Radio looks ahead to a remarkable weekend in Hólmavík.

Galdrafár á Ströndum, the Icelandic Sorcery Festival (https://www.sorceryfestival.is/en), is a music, cultural and art festival with artists and scholars from many countries, celebrating sorcery and ancient Nordic culture.

It's coming to the Westfjords town of Hólmavík this weekend. You can to listen to music, walk around a Viking village, take part in workshops and lectures, and visit the Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft (https://galdrasyning.is/en/) to learn about the Icelandic history of magic and various ancient Nordic customs.

Darren spoke to the festival's main founder Hrafnhildur Inga Guðjónsdóttir to find out what's happening in Hólmavík this coming weekend.

Hrafnhildur is also part of a band called Vévaki. The episode plays out with a track from their 2020 album Edda (https://open.spotify.com/album/41yAgqe83oa91Ws4iXzkj7?si=dWlrwO1tTM2Wt80XpxfJiA), called Hangatýr.

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17. apríl 2024

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RÚV English Radio

RÚV English Radio

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