RÚV English Radio

Episode 48 - DRIVING MUM with ODDNÝ SEN

New Icelandic film Driving Mum Ferð með Mömmu) is a critical and commercial hit. Film scholar Oddný Sen joins Darren to take a look.

The death of Jon's mother forces him to take on a journey with her corpse in the backseat to fulfill her last wish. Brezhnev - a dog - comes along, and this trip will be the gamechanger Jon never dreamt of. Shot in black and white and set in 1980, the film captures an Iceland rather less exciting, eventful or even glamorous than we've become used to in recent years - but no less starkly beautiful.

Film scholar Oddný Sen is back on The RÚV English Podcast to talk about the film, which has seen its run at Reykjavík's iconic Bíó Paradís cinema extended - https://bioparadis.is/kvikmyndir/a-ferd-med-mommu-driving-mum/

But don't miss it!

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19. apríl 2023

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