RÚV English Radio


Today, RÚV English finds out about some free and fun Icelandic language lessons taking place in Reykjavík City Library.

Free Icelandic practice meet-ups are underway from the 9th September at the library.

It's a chance to "spjöllum með hreim", or "speak with an accent", and get to know other people who are learning too!

The weekly meet-ups are for anyone who wants to practice their Icelandic speaking skills in a friendly and relaxed environment with experienced teachers.

There are lots of different activities, all FREE, and all intended to help you speak and learn with confidence - and without pressure. See https://borgarbokasafn.is/en/lets-chat-accent for more details.

Darren went to meet Martyna Karolina Daniel and Hildur Björgvinsdóttir from the project, to find out more.

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The RÚV English Podcast is daily English language programming from RÚV, the national broadcaster of Iceland.


5. sept. 2023

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RÚV English Radio

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