RÚV English Radio


Emilia Telese, born in Italy and living and working in Reykjavík, is an award-winning artist, writer and academic. Today, she is Darren's guest on The RÚV English Podcast.

Her most recent exhibition in Iceland was FERNA - a new series of etchings which was shown for the first time at Ìslensk Grafìk - The Association of Icelandic Printmakers in Hafnarhúsið, Reykjavík. Combining her Florentine training on Renaissance techniques with her practice as a conceptual artist over the past 25 years, Emilia has created a series of works on multi-layer beverage cartons, including milk cartons which, if not recycled, would have gone to landfill.

Emilia told Darren about her work with used milk cartons, but also about her lengthy career as an artist, here in Iceland and elsewhere. She also - with immense patience - guided Darren through some printworking of his own!

You can find out more about Emilia's art, and past and future exhibitions, by going here - https://art.emiliatelese.com/

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18. apríl 2023

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