RÚV English Radio


Today, RÚV English is at the Icelandic Museum of Rock & Roll.

The museum - https://www.rokksafn.is/en - traces the history of modern music in Iceland, back to the first popular songs and recordings made by Icelanders, and takes the country's musical story right up to date.

Darren is guided through the museum by Tómas Young, and even attempts to play a few of the musical instruments available, some more successfully than others.

The visit coincides with the Night of Lights cultural and family festival - https://www.ljosanott.is/en

Cultural focus is the hallmark of the festival, and music and art have always been at the forefront, as Reykjanesbær is a long-established musical town (as the museum demonstrates!)

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The RÚV English Podcast is daily English language programming from RÚV, the national broadcaster of Iceland.


1. sept. 2023

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RÚV English Radio

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