RÚV English Radio


Here at the RÚV English Podcast we know how difficult it can be to learn Icelandic. Hearing it often, slowly and simply can be a great help. RÚV's Atli Sigþórsson looks after the Auðskilið ("easy to understand") pages of the RÚV website, writing the news in a simplified form of Icelandic for anyone who might find that useful.

We will regularly go through some of those pages with Atli and see what we can pick up.

Today, a look back at the simplified form of RÚV's recent coverage of the Heimaey eruptions from fifty years ago.

You can read the news in simplified Icelandic any time at ruv.is/audskilid


2. feb. 2023

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RÚV English Radio

RÚV English Radio

Every weekday you can find a brand new radio show from RÚV English Radio, right here.

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